Heal your skin from the inside

Simple Skin Healing Recipes

Providing your skin with all the nutrients it needs to rejuvenate and repair itself is the absolute KEY to beautiful, clear and youthful skin!

🌟 The Secret To Radiant, Youthful Skin: A Strong Skin Barrier 🌟

A healthy skin barrier is the absolute foundation of healthy, clear, and glowing skin.

Good skincare practices are important, but supporting our skin from the inside is even more so!

Consider this: our skin relies on a steady supply of nutrients and energy through its blood circulation. If we’re only offering a measly amount of essential nutrients, how can we expect our skin to effectively build healthy new cells and foster an intercellular matrix?

How will it build enough proteins like collagen, elastin, and filaggrin, which are fundamental for both the appearance and functionality of our skin? Nurture your skin from within, and watch it thrive! ✨🌿

Here are some clients who healed their skin largely due to proper nutrition!


You may be thinking…Ok, Sara, I believe that diet is important here…but you:

  • Are utterly confused with what to eat for clear and glowing skin?

  • Feel like you don’t have the time to cook?

  • Find yourself eating out or ordering takeouts most nights of the week (so many reasons why this is a problem!)

  • Feel like eating for clear skin has to be this incredibly difficult chore (especially if you are also cooking for your family)?

  • Feel like a skin-clearing diet must be basically munching down endless salads and creating Instagram-worthy meals?

NO, far from it!

Here's the truth...

  • Cooking delicious meals doesn’t have to be complicated or involve a dozen ingredients each time.

    Knowing what to do and having a small set of highly customizable recipes (that you can easily memorize and prepare for) can save you SO much time and money, too!

    In the long run, if you don’t enjoy the food you are eating, you are bound to “fall off the wagon”, and only feel frustrated.

    If you have this distinction in your mind that there is a diet for clear skin and a SEPARATE diet full of yummy foods, I have good news! They can be one and the SAME!

    Before you go on trying various protocols, supplements, and fad diets that cannot be sustained long term, how about trying to eat as our great-grandmothers would first?

Principles our great grandmothers followed:

  1. ➪ Eating all food groups, properly prepared (NOT including “foods” invented in the last century, like industrial seed oils)

  2. ➪ Not eating just muscle meats (which is a modern “invention” and a rather wasteful one), but also gelatinous cuts of meat

  3. ➪ Cooking from scratch and using just whole foods. You don’t need to be perfect, but the great majority of your diet needs to be whole foods

  4. ➪ Eating seasonal and local

  5. ➪ Making recipes that you enjoy and that don’t feel like a chore!

Working with hundreds of clients in the past 8+ years, I have come to realize just how much a good, nourishing diet is important for clearing up the skin, but also what NOT to do!

My most successful clients eat a balanced diet of a variety of REAL, nutrient-dense foods, and they treat themselves when they want to!

What if you could...

  • ⮕ Learn which foods are the most common acne triggers so that you can gradually replace them with skin healing foods

  • ⮕ Have a set of yummy and ridiculously easy-to-make recipes that ALSO support metabolism and clear skin? Recipes most of which require 5-10 min prep time or only 30-40 min from start to finish and are easily customizable?

  • ⮕ Learn how to easily prepare cheap cuts of meat (and why they are even better than expensive cuts) and save money, PLUS support clear skin in the best way?

  • ⮕ Make meals your entire family will enjoy?

Yes, it is possible, I promise!

Here's what's included...


Simple Skin Healing Recipes

This downloadable pdf includes my favorite, super easy recipes featuring many of the foods that promote clear skin, hormonal balance and a healthy metabolism. All recipes come in step-by-step pics so super easy even for a complete novice!

Copy of ChicBoss - Product Mockup

Dietary guidelines for clear skin

I will help you avoid inflammatory modern food “inventions”, like industrial seed oils, emulsifiers and additives that disrupt the skin healing (instead of vilifying ancestral foods like dairy!)

Copy of ChicBoss - Product Mockup

The Pro Metabolic Primer

Get a perfect & quick overview on how to nourish your body and your skin barrier from the inside! You will also learn how to eat to support your metabolism and encourage optimal hormonal balance for clear skin.

A closer peek at the contents

  • âž© 20+ easy recipes in a downloadable ebook, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus side dish recipes that can be paired with other recipes and 2 yummy hot drinks!

    Several key recipes are easily customizable to your needs (I also give recipe variations) and foods found locally in your area.

    This makes for a total of many more recipes, and most are great for meal prep, too!

    To be successful in the long run, it is important not to feel overwhelmed or feel like you need to read through a complicated recipe every time you make it.

    This is why I kept recipes to only the BEST and easiest ones! It guarantees success much better than having 100+ complicated recipes to choose from.

    âž© Pictures of STEP-BY-STEP of making a recipe (for any recipe involving more than 1-2 steps) so that you have a visual, too!

    âž© Which fats to cook with and which ones are not suitable for high heat, plus helpful pictures of which cuts of meat to go for

    âž© A separate pdf with a list of common acne triggers to avoid (phasing them out of your diet gradually is fine)

    âž© Some good snack examples (snacks can totally make or break your diet if you opt for processed foods!)

    âž© Downloadable shopping list

    âž© Tips on how to use leftovers from one recipe in another to get the most out of your time and foods you buy

    âž© Resources that will be continually updated and include:

    • Links to books for further reading

    • Links to other recipes online that I recommend and enjoy

    • Links to my favorite kitchen tools and staples (you don’t need much besides a pan, oven, and oven-safe dish to make most recipes)

    • Links to various online delivery websites that offer high-quality foods (so that you can see some examples)

Frequently Asked Questions

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. You also get lifetime access to all the future updates (like new recipes)! You can easily download all pdfs in the course to your device and have them readily available when needed.

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

No. There are some vegetarian-friendly recipes, but overall you won’t get great value for your money if you don’t eat animal based foods.

The price of whole foods varies a lot based on where you are, but buying local and seasonal can save you a lot of money (which is exactly what I recommend)! When it comes to meat and other animal products, I highly encourage people to source grass-fed and organic, supporting local farmers and regenerative agriculture in your area. This turns out to be MUCH cheaper when you get the cuts of meat I recommend in the course! Also, I don’t have any “superfood” powders and similar nonsense in my recipes, it is just whole foods or very minimally processed foods (like tomato sauce).

No. Due to the nature of this course and downloadable recipes, once you get them, they are yours.

There are no nuts in the recipes, so you are safe! I generally don’t recommend going overboard with nuts and seeds anyway. It’s best to keep it to small handful per day if consuming them (this includes nut and seed butters).

Meet Your Mentor

Hello, I'm Sara

I am a former scientist with a Master’s Degree in Molecular Biology and a certified Primal Health Coach. After battling persistent acne myself for over a decade, I am dedicated to helping people worldwide achieve clear, healthy and glowing skin.

Contact ME

Don’t see your question in the FAQ’s?

You can email me directly at [email protected] to get in touch and we’ll return the favor within 48 business hours.