Healthy Skin

  • How Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) Is Wrecking Your Skin

    Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is one of the oldest and harshest surfactants used in skincare. A surfactant has properties that allow it to act like a detergent, making it suitable for a cleansing job. Products like Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser claim to be very gentle on the skin, yet contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS).  It is considered […]

  • How To Keep Your Skin Hydrated Naturally – Top 10 Tips!

    moisturized skin

    When we think of moisturized skin, we think of a good moisturizer and drinking water. Right? However, there is so much more needed to keep your skin hydrated. If certain nutrients important for the health of your skin are missing, the skin cannot effectively hold the moisture. That means it will not look as supple and […]

  • Why Your Skin Needs Sebum to Be Healthy & Clear

    We have heard many times – moisturize, moisturize, moisturize…However, being an amazing organ, the skin is able to do so on its own! Sebum, this precious mixture of lipids (oily substances) produced by the skin acts as a natural moisturizer, helping to slow down aging and so much more. The good news is that we can support the skin’s natural production of these wonder substances, […]

  • The Secret to Naturally Healthy and Youthful Skin for Life

    Secret to clear skin

    There is a thin protective layer on the top of your skin right now. It’s a mixture of sebum (your skin’s natural oils) and sweat from the sweat pores. And not to worry, this doesn’t make your face sweaty – just soft to the touch. This thin layer is your skin’s first shield against the environment, […]

  • The Truth About What Cleansers Do To Your Skin

    Cleansing your face daily is one of the most damaging things you can do to your skin. I know what you are probably thinking. Why would a cleanser damage my skin? It just removes oil, dirt and makeup. No harm in those 20 seconds. Unfortunately, actions happen very fast on the molecular scale. I admit […]